Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dalplex 2011

I've been home for a couple of days from Halifax again after the Dalplex Christmas show and I'm really beginning to feel tired.  Here are the pics of my booth from the show. I had a larger space this time , 
8 x 10 so I was able to bring more selection. 

It was a great show, first time for me, there was a lot of help from the Dalhousie athletes unloading and reloading  cars which was wonderful. And the organization catered a very nice buffet dinner for all the vender's at a local pub and there were door prises ( I won the first one!). They treated us all very well.

This weekend it is another show here at home, aawww, to sleep in my own bed at night. :))

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I gave one of your flower wire pins to my Mom for Christmas, she loved it! And as expected one of her friends would also like one. I was wondering if you might have somewhere in Halifax that you are selling them? If not is there a way that I might be able to get another one sent either to Halifax or Ontario?